How we give back

The Carolyn McTimoney Occupational Therapy Scholarship

provides schools with specialised support to help children overcome sensory-motor challenges that can hinder their learning and well-being.

By offering

training for teachers and parents, tailored sensory-motor and handwriting programs, and expert occupational therapy consultancy,

the scholarship aims to reduce exclusions, improve attention, and foster emotional well-being.

Awarded annually,

it empowers schools to create inclusive environments where every child can thrive.

Learn more about how this program makes a difference for children, families, and educators.

For 2024/2025

we have decided to do things a little differently and sponsor an aspiring OT.

Lauren is currently studying at Northumbria University and will qualify as an occupational therapist in summer 2025.

  • Feedback from Reid Street Primary

    “It’s been a busy and exciting term since we started our year-long venture with Future Steps.  Receiving the Carolyn McTimoney Scholarship Award has meant that so far, around 20 KS1 children have been able to access the SMART intervention and we are seeing huge improvements in their ability to follow instructions, complete physical tasks and organise themselves ready for learning. 

    We have even managed to keep it running during the busy Christmas period time when hall time is difficult to get hold of! Additionally, staff have taken activities from SMART interventions and are building them into daily routines and playground activities – we plan to look at playground activities in greater depth. Miss Mennell, Specialist Teaching Assistant, has also introduced the SMART activities into KS2.  In KS1, all pupils are taking part in the EARTH handwriting intervention three times a week.  This work is hugely beneficial to our pupils. For some children the physical process of handwriting alone can make them dislike writing, so a programme like EARTH is great to ensure that all our pupils feel that they are able to make progress and have a sense of achievement.

    The staff have particularly enjoyed working with Julie and Lynn in training, or during 1-1 assessments of pupils and feel that the scholarship is helping them to adapt their teaching styles to support those who may need something a little different. We are looking forward to next term and to continuing on this learning experience and appreciate how special this scholarship is.”


  • Feedback from St Mary's C of E Primary

    “We feel incredibly fortunate to have been awarded the Carolyn McTimoney Scholarship Award from Future Steps, as we can already see the impact of the support for our pupils. We are enjoying an excellent relationship with Future Steps and value their wealth of expertise and support. They have already developed both group support programmes and individual support programmes for pupils with more complex needs. Our pupils love the programme of activities and exercises, and engage enthusiastically.”


“One person with belief is equal to ninety-nine who have only interest.”